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Conviértase en miembro de la junta

Misión de la organización

La misión de First Call es reducir el impacto del alcohol, las drogas y la adicción proporcionando recursos de calidad a las personas, las familias y la comunidad.



  • Ability to attend virtual monthly meeting (fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.)

  • Members will commit to serving a two-year term with the opportunity to extend this membership to another two-year term.

  • Members must attend 70% of meetings.

  • Members must attend one “larger” First Call event each year (Gratitude Breakfast  in March, Golf Tournament in June or Soiree in September).

  • Members will make a donation that is personally meaningful to them (no minimum).

  • Members will attend the annual EPB retreat.

  • Identifies as a young professional (no set age limit).



Demographic Information

First Call's Young Professionals Board (YPB) is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We collect demographic information in support of our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and because many of our funders require this information for grant requests/reporting. For each option, select as many answers as apply, or you may choose not to answer.

I identify as (chooeal that apply)
I identify as (chooeal that apply)


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Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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