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Holding Hands

Harm Reduction

We provide resources and relationships so no one faces addiction alone.

You came to this site because you're looking for answers and support. First Call is here for you with resources and help rooted in respect, dignity, and love. We practice a harm reduction approach to support the individuals, families, communities who turn to us for assistance.

What is Harm Reduction?

"Harm reduction" means focusing on the reduction of the harms associated with drug use rather than focusing on the harm of substance abuse itself. It can take the shape of medical care, disease prevention or education. ​

Help. Healing. Holistic Change. 

Wherever you are in this moment right now, we can help you support your health and well-being. All First Call, services are available FREE or on a sliding scale. No one is ever turned away because they can't pay.

Free 24/7 Crisis Call Line 816.361.5900

Train and Video

Harm Reduction Trainings

Overdose Education and Naloxone Administration (OENA)

Review current drug trends and local and national pertinent data and learn how to spot an overdose and administer naloxone in both forms (intramuscular and nasal). 

Harm Reduction 101

A comprehensive training which includes all necessary parts of building your own Harm Reduction framework, strategies, and practice. Includes OENA, History of Harm Reduction, and Engaging People Who Use Drugs. 

History of Harm Reduction

How’d we get here? Learn where Harm Reduction started, how it’s evolved in the United States, and where the movement gets it’s most innovative strategies. 

Engaging People Who Use Drugs

Expand your knowledge, deepen your understanding, and strengthen your ability to be curious, compassionate, and collaborative with people who use drugs (includes real Harm Reduction case studies and experiences).  

Harm Reduction for Clinicians

Even in more constraining environments (like abstinence requiring spaces), we can practice Harm Reduction. This training is for Clinicians and similar professionals. 


Harm Reduction for Teens

We empower teens with real world knowledge and tangible resources. Understanding young people are hard-wired for risk and novelty, we increase protective factors and reduce risk factors while discussing positive risk taking. This training is designed to appeal to teens. 


All trainings are customized to the support, needs and objectives of your organization.

To schedule training(s), email Michelle Irwin or call 816-800-8046


Funded by SAMHSA's inaugural Harm Reduction grant, these trainings represent a collaboration between First Call, KC Care Health Clinic, and University of Missouri-Kansas City. 


Our Harm Reduction trainings are routinely evaluated by the Kansas City Harm Reduction Advisory Council, a coalition of individuals with lived and living experience dedicated to uplifting evidence-based Harm Reduction strategies and best practices.

For anything else, please contact

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