Community Presentations
First Call offers FREE community and corporate presentations for those in the Kansas City metro area. Presentations are taught by the clinical and prevention teams at First Call, and include topics on Substance Use Disorder, mental health, and current drug trends. Each presentation is approximately 60 minutes long.
Presentations can also be customized for your company or agency.
To schedule a presentation, call 816-361-5900.
What's Going On With Your Teen?
Discover the early signs and symptoms of children with mental health problems, as well as how to approach a child who is displaying any of these characteristics. Participants are also given resources to help.
How To Talk To Your Child About Mental Health
Discover the early signs and symptoms of children with mental health problems, as well as how to approach a child who is displaying any of these characteristics. Participants are also given resources to help.
Mental Health Facts For Adults
An overview of common mental health challenges that impact adults, including crisis situations. Discover the early signs and symptoms and learn how to connect someone with appropriate, local resources.
Substance Use and the Young Mind
An overview of substance use disorder that includes its progression over time, and how early substance use can impact adolescent brain development.
Current Drug Trends
It is especially important for parents of pre-teens and teens to stay in-the-know about current drug fads and trends. This presentation includes current drug trends in the nation, as well as in our community specifically, warning signs of use, and what to do if you suspect use.